Jumat, 08 Mei 2009

Men or women, as being His creation, we must respect each of his, whether provided directly or indirectly. We can appreciate the gift with his caring and take the good with the wise and all that is given him, including the genitals. Male genitalia are very different from the woman, both from the form, structure, function and usage. So that treatment is also different. Resilience against infection and irritation is also different between the genitals of women and men. Penis is the male genitalia tend to be stronger against the infection and irritation of the vagina of the women because most of the skin of the penis is quite thick.

General public is often wrong in the case of caring genitals. For example, women often clean the genitals with the usual soap / cleaning fluid is not clear what abortion, dust powder, perfume to inject holes into the vagina. Similarly with men, they like to wear pants so tight in a more visible section. Things like that can cause irritation and infection.
Here are some ways that we can easily do to treat our genitals:

1. Dispose of water after every big or small, always try to wash the external genitals with the water and soap.
The way up:

     * For women: siram water from front to back, not vice versa. How useful is to prevent the entry of germs from the original rectal / anus to the vagina.

     * For men: enough with the clean water.

After that, you must mengeringkannya with tissue. Because humid conditions can cause germs, bacteria, fungi, and others that can cause venereal disease.

Other things to note:
- If water is not available or tissue, then you can use a wet tissue specific areas for womanhood. However, the use of tissue that is too often can kill the normal flora (good bacteria) the fact that femininity is useful for maintaining the health area womanhood.

- In addition to the use of wet tissue, soap special area femininity circulating in the market should also not be used too often. Stay try washing with water only. However, if you want to use soap, use soap that is not the actual perfume and have a pH (degree of acidity) in accordance with the femininity of soft soap (with a pH 3.5), such as baby soap. After using the soap, let basuh with water to clean the soap residue left behind that can cause disease. After dibasuh, but do not dry rubbed. The use of soap should also only on the outside of the course. For women who are married, can use the touch after cleaning to restore the acidity vagina vagina, because the nature of men's sperm is basa.

2. Attention to hygiene in the clothes.

In one day, at least you should change clothes in twice. The selection of shorts that should absorb sweat, like cotton. If you want of satin, it may be, but use only occasionally because it does not absorb sweat and make it easier for germs, bacteria, fungi stick in your genitals.
One needs to remember is do not dress in exchange with others. While other people that the family of your own, keep it, everyone has a different sexual situations.

3. Hair that grows in the genitals must be diligent to be shaven.
In principle, there can be self-cleaning wool area with pull out how. Pluck genitalia may cause holes in the former cabutan and a way in for bacteria, bacteria, and fungi that can cause further irritation and the incidence of skin disease. You are advised only to tidy up just how short. For example shorten ½ cm using scissors or be shaven, but the first lather using a shaver and a special secret that has been previously washed with soap and hot water disiram. After use, shaver washed again and stored in a clean and dry, not in a humid place. Please note: do not use the shaver in turn, even with a husband or wife or siblings of your own!

If you are not diligent and mencukurnya routine, the hair that can become breeding lice and fungi. Mencukurnya are not allowed out because the hair has the function for health genitals, that is useful to stimulate the growth of good bacteria that help fight bad bacteria and prevent the entry of foreign substances in the vagina to small. Hair also serves as a cushion when the deal and protect the sexual genitalia of friction. In addition, to maintain the genitals remain warm.
4. If you want to use public toilets, before siramlah first (Flushing) the toilet will be used. This is important because many people with venereal disease, after they had appeared to be using a toilet that was previously used by people with venereal disease.

Avoid using water that is in the tub or bucket. According to research, the stagnant water in public toilets contain 70% of fungi Candida albicans (the cause keputihan and itchiness in the vagina). While the water that flows from the tap in the public toilets contain approximately 10-20% fungus Candida albicans. Therefore, use a wet tissue or water that flows directly through the tap.
5. Avoid wearing shorts and denim shorts that are too tight in the region selangkangan as this causes the skin to breathe hard and eventually cause the region to be sweaty, humid, easily infected mushroom, and teriritasi. In addition, you can make the blood circulation is not smooth and make the penis and testis fervor. Excessive temperature by heat, sweat, and clothes that are too tight, can decrease sperm quality.

6. For women who are experiencing menstruasi / bleeding, do not lazy to change the bandage.
In the case menstruasi, germs easily enter. Change the dressing when surface dressing has been no blood, because it is a place for the development of bacteria and fungi.

Try to keep the bandage every 4 hours once or 2-3 times a day, or if it is not comfortable. Wash and vagina before each time will change the bandage.
7. Pantyliner usage is not recommended every day.

Pantyliner should only be used at the time keputihan. Better to bring in a change of pants pantyliner use every day.
8. Do not use the powder to the vagina, including the babies, particularly baby girls.

According to research, the powder on the impact area can be bad because the powder into the vagina that can lead to various diseases, such as tumor (granuloma).
If you still want to use the powder, usapkan first to the hands, bending to the thigh area and buttocks baby.

9. Never inject into perfume vagina.
10. Change your lifestyle with stop smoking, exercise, reduce fat consumption, body weight idealize, stop consuming alcohol, and the faithful on the pairs

11. On the baby:
For infants of men, if not disunat, it is clear penisnya with soap. Use a wet cotton to clean the penis and lipatannya. Do not force the attractive and clean the outside skin of the penis or in the spout is very dangerous because antiseptic. Dry this area correctly. Clean the baby from the posterior direction of sex / penis to the rectum / anus.

For baby girls, do not use soap excessive. Use a fine cotton reels drabble warm water to clean the inside and bottom of the sex. Basuh sex with all the water from the top down. When cleaning bokongnya, do as the baby is male.
Keep the used diaper baby to stay dry.

12. Perform Routine Inspection
When the color changes occur, itchy-itchy and sometimes accompanied by a dreadful stench on your genitals, immediately consult a doctor to obstetri-gynecology physician or skin and sex.

Testis examination (prick fruit) can be done alone, in a way that is:
- Kenalilah shape, size, and weight of each testis

- Using both hands, fash
each testis
- Waspadai when there is a small benjolan under the skin, in the front or along the testis. If there is swelling or benjolan, immediately check themselves to see a doctor.

- If there is something that usually does not like and do not mengenakkan (do not feel comfortable), to immediately consult a doctor.
Not difficult, is not it? Simply by changing your habits day-to-day as the above, you are treating your genitals and prevent the occurrence of venereal disease. Easy and simple! Therefore, do so now before too late!

Djuanda, Adhi. 1994. Skin Diseases and Sciences Sex Ed. 2. Jakarta: Medical Faculty of University of Indonesia.

Widjanarko, Bambang. 2006. Basic Science gynecology. Jakarta: The Obstetri gynecology Medical Faculty of the University of Atma Jaya.





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